Download firmware
We are now testing our first SmartWi firmware for the German Premiere (CAS = Nagravision) receivers.
So far, the system has been tested on following Premiere receivers:
- Imperial PNS
- Samsung DSB-9401G
- Humax PR-FOX
- You must use the new SmartWiLDr.exe when you download the 2.42 Premiere firmware.
- SmartWi is only compatible with receivers using the Nagravision conditional access system and NOT with receivers using BetaCrypt.
- Version 2.42 will not do EMM upgrade, so the smartcard must be upgraded in a receiver, once in a while. This will be fixed in the next version.
- The firmware is not compatible with the Nagravision used in other countries like Spain and Poland.
File Date Size DownloadSmartWi 2.42 T=1 Premiere.swi 2007.11.15 16 KB